The Project “Capital do Móvel – Feeling the Essence” developed by the Associação Empresarial de Paços de Ferreira, is part of a set of actions thought to empower the companies in Paços de Ferreira and the surrounding councils, within the wooden and upholstering sector. Increasing their businesses internationalization, improving their image, marketing innovation, information about external commerce and promote the exporting supply.
The Project “Capital do Móvel – Feeling the Essence”, was born facing the region companies emerging needs, on the furniture and upholstery. This project was designed on thinking about the companies and the region, framed on the AEPF strategy to support the internationalization process, marketing innovation, promoting the supply and cooperation. Therefore, it is intended to enhance immaterial collective competitivity factors, through activities which will allow to develop supporting tools to the PME Internationalization and contribute for new and more competitive positions. With this in mind, we present a tool with great relevance for the companies, in order to create new business opportunities.
The AEPF President