

Aiming to improve and increase the companies’ competitivity and the region social and economic development, Associação Empresarial de Paços de Ferreira (AEPF) is a public service non-profit organization which stands out for its multi sectorial features. Thus, AEPF represents economical agents from different areas - enhancing the furniture, textile and metalworking.

M&V - Challenge to Competitivity

The Project CM was conceived having as main focus promoting the companies internationalization on the furniture and textile industries on the Paços de Ferreira, Paredes and Lousada, dominating councils of AEPF intervention area.

CM: Feeling The Essence

The project “Capital do Móvel – Feeling the Essence” is part of a set of actions to empower the local wooden furniture companies, increasing their businesses internationalization, improving their image, marketing innovation, information about the external commerce and advertise the export offer.

Contact us

Parque de Exposições Capital do Móvel
Rua da Associação Empresarial, Nº167
4590-872 Carvalhosa Paços de Ferreira


+351 255 862 114

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Gestora do Projeto CM
Olga Teixeira
+351 916000925

Gestora do Projeto M&V
Filipa Belo
+351 915675668